Famille :
Synonyme :
C. yemense
Organe reserve :
Climat d'origine :
sub tropical (hiver sec)
Description genre :
Ce genre est originaire des climat tropical ou subtropical, dont le plupart des espèces sont à feuillage persistant. Les Crinums vivent de nombreuses années (20 et plus!) à la même place. Avec une bonne fertilisation et un arrosage régulier en été, la végétation devient très impressionnante, avec une floraison estivale de longue durée. Les bulbes de Crinum sont très gros et pèsent jusqu'à 1,5 kg, ce qui entraîne des frais postaux plus élevés; ce coût supplémentaire est inclus dans les prix indiqués.
Description espece :
0407: field collector took one from Yemen and one from Aden. Unfortunately neither has flowered for me, even though I have cultivated the one from Yemen for 15 years. The latter is certainly large enough to flower now, and I was hoping (again) this year that it would. Both bulbs are episodic in growth pattern; they want to go dormant after 2-3 months of leaf growth, and they are not evergreen. Usually there are two growth cycles per year. They do differ from C.moorei in several aspects though: 1) the bulbs do not form an above ground leaf column like C.moorei; i.e., the leaves die back to the ground surface; 2) the leaves are undulant; and 3) neither bulb has even formed an offset; C.moorei readily offsets in cultivation. There is a recent, large pictorial publication on the flora of Saudi Arabia (don't know the title) that has a field photo of a bulb in bloom. Perhaps you could locate a copy in a botanical library. Dave Lehmiller
0202: Geoff Wilson Austr The blooms of C.yemense are larger,the petals tend to fold back more.As the blooms open they tend to lose all there light pink shading.
I also believe the musk perfume is stronger on C. yemense.
I find the main difference is in the leaves C.moori grows out horizontally were as C. yemense has a more vertical in growth, also there leaves are a lot more tolerant to hot burning summer afternoon sun.
Hauteur floraison :
70-100 cm
Rusticité :
Végétation :
Utilisations :
- En pleine terre
- Culture en pot
Exposition :
ombre été
- soleil
Du 01 Janvier au 31 Mars
Du 10 Septembre au 20 Octobre
Prix :
1 bulbe(s)
pour 14.00 €